
10 oscillator monomorphic additive synthesizer max patch
10 oscillator monomorphic additive synthesizer max patch

This can add brightness, complexity and texture to the sound. The other waveforms have added harmonics or overtones that take place above the fundamental. Sine waves represent the pure tone of a single frequency, which is called the fundamental. Sine, Triangle, Sawtooth, and Pulse (or Square) are the four most commonly utilized synthesizer waveforms. The shape of the oscillation determines the timbre or tone of the sound. We call one full fluctuation a cycle, or period, and refer to the shape that these oscillations take as a waveform. The rate of these fluctuations determines the frequency, or pitch of the tone, and this is tuned to produce the notes struck by the keys. If these cycles take place between 20 and 20,000 times per second they are audible to the human ear. Instead of moving back and forth like a guitar string, the oscillator cycles between positive and negative voltages. If you consider the fact that all of the sounds we hear are vibrations in air, oscillators are creating synthetic vibrations that become sound once connected to a speaker. They come in different shapes and can be produced by a variety of techniques to make your imagination audible. The raw sound source that spawns the diverse range of tones and timbres spewed by all synthesizers.

10 oscillator monomorphic additive synthesizer max patch